Tuesday, 8 May 2012

04-05-2012 – Everest Camp 2 – Base Camp

Altitude: 6500m to 5300m
Atmospheric Pressure: 480mbar to 560mbar
Trek: 9kms / 3hr15

Surprisingly I managed to sleep OK, although I was awake from 3am.
It’s very clear morning, no wind but coooold. By the time we’ve had breakfast, it’s bright daylight outside and no need for head torches. It snowed last night which hide the path down to camp 1, including the crevasses. Luckily, some of them are marked with small black flags where the path crosses them.

We set off a little behind with Sergey and catch up with  guide Harry who’s looking around, perhaps worried by the fresh snow, or looking at his next potential challenge on the Nupsee route.
Just before we reach Camp 1, we pass Wisey, crouched by the side of the path, answering a call of nature. He’s been hit by diarrhea this morning and caught out with no toilet paper, a chilly morning for him. We reach Camp 1 in 1 hour with no issues.

We all know that after Camp 1, the scary bit begins, with the top of the ice fall, and the high risk zone.
I’m not sure how I’ll react to seeing the monster in daylight rather than just guessing it’s shapes.
On top of this, it’s busy in the icefall today and there are queues to go up and down, but this is not a place to queue. After the experience on the way up, I use the “queuing” time to look for cover and think about “what if”, especially as we can clearly see the huge seracs above us, menacing to fall at anytime.
We also discover the area where we got caught in the “serac” fall on the way up, in the dark. It’s surprising to see what the area is like, and where we were compare to our surroundings.
At some stage, through the “small popcorn”, I hear the chilling noise of ice moving under the blocks I’m stepping on and decide to run for my life till the next big block, looking for something more “stable” and another reminder of the activity of the icefall.
We get down to crampon point in good time, I’m struggling with my left shoe digging into my ankle and also my breathing with my ribs still sore.
We also feel the heat as we arrive to crampon point, I take my helmet, hat and down jacket off.
Russell has organized for a couple of Sherpas to be there with hot tea.
After a short break, it’s off to base camp, 30mins walk away, my left ankle still in agony from the boots.
We reach the dining tents from base camp just in time for breakfast, in fact, the 1st group is already there and they welcome us cheerfully, knowing how we feel, as they went through the same ordeal yesterday.
It’s a nice sunny morning and it’s great to have breakfast “en terrasse” again.

After dinner, the guides announce there is a party organize in the Whitepod, with other teams from base camp also invited. Evil Monica manage to convince me to join, “just for one”.
I'd slept all afternoon, and I desperately need more sleep (looking forward to the comfort of base camp), but agree to be sociable………..
As it turns midnight, and after a few, I finally make it to my cold sleeping bag, by a bright night, almost full moon. This was a great party….. what a way to come down from the mountain!!

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